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It is 1981 in New York City.

While celebrating her 18th birthday, Jenna Kessler tells a story that stays with her for the rest of her life.

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“I read it in one sitting”

-Jill Emerson


“Charming and utterly engaging”

-Nina Solomon


“Memorable characters and cinematic prose”

-Alex Segura


“Something quite extraordinary”

-Sandra Block


“Remarkably emotional and satisfying”

-Tom Straw


“A complex and beautifully told story”

-Jonathan Santlofer





Time Flies Like an Arrow

People have asked me how, in between practicing law, being a deeply devoted watcher of TV and roasting the occasional chicken, I found the time to write a novel. The truth is that I have no idea. I didn’t set out to write a novel. I wrote a short story, The Mostly...

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Numbers Count

I read about a study a few years ago using phone cases on that found that we're more likely to buy a product by reason of the number of reviews it has, than by reason of what they say. Just think about that for a second. Weird, right? But ok, hold that...

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The Truth About the Title

The truth is that The Truth About Parallel Lines was not always the title. Just between us, I am still madly in love with my original title – Love is Like the Color Blue – even though I knew from early on that there were some problems with it. Among other things,...

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Three years ago, my father asked if I’d like to write a short story for an anthology he was editing. I said yes, without hesitation. I forgot about it for a month, panicked for a month, procrastinated for a month and then I sat down and wrote a story. Since then, I’ve had four stories published, and I wrote a novel. It feels like this is the beginning.

More About Jill


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